Home Boy Joy Ride
$150.00 – $175.00 Buy Now.
Father Greg and the homies discovered the opposite of addiction to be community and connection.

Soul Sanctuary
$150.00 – $175.00 Buy Now
Beit T’Shuvah is a sanctuary where people find meaning and purpose through Torah study, therapy, group sessions, community engagement and choir.

Stand Down
$150.00 – $175.00 Buy Now
Veterans come off the streets and realize they matter and that they belong to Stand Down and that Stand Down belongs to them.

Journeys On The Red Road
$150.00 – $175.00 Buy Now
Journeys On The Red Road is part of the Called From Darkness documentary series which explores the spiritual dimensions of addiction recovery. It takes time but through humility and gratitude the miracle of transformational healing comes about and with it a commitment.

$150.00 – $175.00 Buy Now
JustUS is a 25 minute documentary film produced by Touch Point Productions documenting the existential struggle of the Mestizo culture of Northern New Mexico. They are Hispanic by way of the Spanish Colonizers who settled around Ohkay Owingeh in 1598.

Buy all five movies
$495.00 – $595.00 Buy Now
Include the following documentaries:
HomeBoy Joy Ride
Soul Sanctuary
Stand Down
Journeys on the Red Road